
Sharing JADAM

Jlf made in a septic tank

  • Aa
  • 2022-10-31
  • read : 4858
Hi Jadam,
Can I use the contents out of a septic tank as JLF. If not directly, could I collect
the contents, mix with compost as an
inoculant, let sit 6 months in a large
container to make safer for the garden,
then apply to garden?

Or, could I buy a septic tank and put garden scraps, food waste, urine, and feces in and collect the leachate to apply to the garden (if feces used, store for another 6 months before use) ?

I am currently making jlf in a few 55
gallon drums. My filters clog very quickly, and I end up frustrated and stinky. As a pre-filter I ended up pouring through
straw/grass and that worked very well to
filter out the big chunks before a finer
filter, but it is still a stinky, dirty
My thoughts were that the septic tank
would make filtration much easier because
scum would
float to the top, and heavy stuff to the
bottom. Thoughts? Thanks, -Aa