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Leafcutter Ants

  • Lee
  • 2024-01-26
  • read : 3105
We have several kinds of ants, and I did not find the homemade ant spray to be effective on any but the smallest.  The worst we have are "leafcutter ants."
They build a network of underground homes, spreading out far and wide.  A commercial product called AMDRO does work on them, but completely inappropriate for using in food growing areas. 
Bifen is also said to work.  Since it is a product made from the chrysanthemum plant, and so is a less expensive product I use called PyGanic, i use the latter, but seem to keep finding new hills all the time to treat.  PyGanic used to be considered an organic compound, but I am not sure it still qualifies as organic.
By the way, you should know that JWA does help a little bit in deterring the ants if applied often.  They don't seem to like the taste.
So, I read on the internet that SUGAR could be used and that it would be taken to the nest and dry out the exoskeleton of the queen.  Finally, to my question: does this make sense to you in your knowledge of insects and chemistry?
(I haven't found diatomaceous earth to be very effective.)  Since sugar is organic, it would be a cheap and easy fix, if it is feasible that it might work.
Please give your opinion.