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JLF made with extremely hot peppers - questions!

  • Jon Bloodworth
  • 2024-03-07
  • read : 5799
I made a JLF using various peppers and some of the hottest in the world like the bhut jolokia. There are a lot of pepper fruits in the JLF, mostly habanero varieties as well as Aji, cayenne and jalapeno.
About 30-40% of the material added to this JLF was weeds and grass clippings from the yard for additional nutrients since I don't end up with much pepper waste other than the fruits since I overwinter a lot of my peppers but I did end up with about 60-70% pepper waste at this point including stems stalks and roots.
The Jlf smells very spicy and considering that "Scoville level" was originally the dilution rate of sugar water needed to dilute a pepper extract to be undetectable to human testers, I worry the application will still be very spicy. Dont worry, I'm not planning to ingest it! I know the spicy will help with deterring some mammalian pests but I personally worry about handling the fruit or the plants, even the soil with bare hands (which I enjoy doing(: ). 
Do you have any experience or advice for this situation? Is it possible some of the capsaicin oils will be broken down over time by the microbes? Can it harm beneficial insects or birds? 
Thank you for everything you do! 