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Can you grow IMO1 at home from a soil collection?

  • Matthew
  • 2024-03-21
  • read : 5274
I was reading about making compost tea, and a blog recommended culturing the compost on oat flour for 3-7 days in order to grow out the fungus in the compost before brewing it. With goal of creating a more fungal dominant tea. That got me wondering whether the same can be done to collect IMO1.

I go on a lot of hikes in forested areas an hour or more of a drive away. Instead of setting up a collection box and then returning later, is it viable to do a soil collection and then culture it back at home?
So essentially instead of prepping rice, leaving it in the woods, and then collecting it later, could I collect the soil (like I might do for JMS) and then add it to rice at home to culture it?

I’m a novice with Jadam and knf, so very much still learning.