JADAM's quest for ultra-low-cost organic farming has not been easy – especially financially. We invented, de- veloped, and DISCLOSED our knowledge of making and using natural pesticide that are super-effective. Despite these remarkable achievements, we were almost shut down due to the attacks from and lobbying of the cor- porations.
Were it not for the 1,364 [View donators’ list] people who gave JADAM regular donations since 2002, we would have closed busi-ness long time ago. Your donation has kept us going, has kept the torch of innovation burning.
JADAM firmly stood by its principle of NEITHER PATENTING NOR COMMERCIALIZING its knowledge. All we found, we shared. JADAM natural pesticide is free from residue problems, perfectly safe, easy to make at home, and drastically reduces the farming cost. National lab has recognized its effect.
Bring farming back to the farmers. It is the farmers who should have control over agro-technology; not the cor- porations. Only through the farmers who have reclaimed sovereignty, we can establish an organic farming sys- tem that can truly spread far and wide. We want to open a whole new world where farmers, consumes, and Mother Nature all rejoice in harmony.
Your donation helps to protect us from the commercial monopolized corporations. May the seed of innovation sown by JADAM continue to grow. Thank you.
- Donators have access to all videos of the articles on JADAM website en.jadam.kr
- Donators will have a special icon. This allows donators to exchange with other donators in other parts of the world according to crops or regions.
- Donators' names will be engraved on a wooden plate and be hung on the wall in the JADAM Korea office.
- Donators can post on “Sharing JADAM” corner; comments will be notified immediately through email.
- Monthly donation to JADAM can be made in 10, 30, 50, and 100 dollars through PayPal.
- Please select country, region, and crop when donating to make networking between donators possible.
- Click the PayPal logo below to join as a PayPal donator.
    We are sending a plaque of appreciation to our donators.
    Please contact us through the JADAM email (jadamorganic@gmail.com).
Apply for monthly regular donation |
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Number of regular donators:1,364
[View donators list]